5 Ways You Can Help Your Employees' Mental Health

Life changes could be impacting your employees, and they may need help.

Many of your employees may be having a hard time right now. Whether they are working from home, or onsite, they may be struggling to manage virtual schooling, new schedules, isolation, and general worries about the pandemic. These life changes can cause increased stress, anxiety, and depression among your employees, and they may need help. These five tips can help you offer them additional support:

1. Tap into available resources.

Lean on us and our healthcare partners for resources to support your employees, such as information about mental health issues and tools and tips to take care of themselves. For example, the HealthLink website is overflowing with tools and resources our clients can use to help their employees protect their their overall health and well-being. Our Educational Library has a variety of health and wellness videos that cover health topics, easy exercise tips, and quick, healthy recipes. The library also contains our Healthy "Know-How" fact sheets and recipes for better health. We have also added additional mental health resources in our COVID-19 Resource Center. Your employees can access articles, videos, free guidance, and caregiver resources to help them during this time.

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